Business Intelligence

How Ecotech helped a leading Automobile Manufacturer to take business decisions quickly.

One of the world’s largest Automobile Manufacturer was aware of the power of data and had systems in place to acquire copious amounts of it. However, the team also recognized significant redundancies in their data acquisition methods. All data was manually acquired. Even with all the data collated, it took the management days to process the data and prepare reports.

We digitized the manual data entry processes by creating equivalent web based screens, connected to a powerful data warehouse and built extensive data models to process the data and calculate meaningful metrics. This reduced several man days that were previously being lost in just data acquisition which assisted the business to take decisions quickly.

Robotic Process Automation

Learn how RPA systems could help you optimize your value chain.

One of the world’s largest Bearing Manufacturer wished to reduce its overall time and cost incurred in routine customer support calls.

In order for the client to have a better customer service experience for its end customers and distributors, Ecotech suggested developing and deploying a Chat Bot (also known as a Virtual Assistant) that would handle simple and routine customer interactions.

Internet of Things

Watch how Ecotech helped Eaton capture granular data to better manage their production.

Internet of Things

Take a look at Ecotech’s flood warning system created for a Norwegian environment consulting company.

A leading Norwegian Company having expertise in Environmental Monitoring and Water and Wastewater Management wished to bring Sustainability through Real-Time Environmental Monitoring. It is very important to keep an eye out for floods and other environmental calamities. Our client works with local governing bodies, consultants and municipalities towards this end. In this particular case, the client needed us to design a cloud-based IoT System for real-time environmental monitoring as part of larger flood control systems.

We have built a system to keep track of, and acquire data from, different sensors installed across the country. Our system raises flood alarms as per pre-stipulated conditions, so that timely response can be taken by the authorities.

AI – Speech Recognition & Text Analytics

Watch how Ecotech enabled a sports intelligence company help swimming coaches to work better with their wards.

One of Japan’s finest sports consulting companies founded by an ex Olympic swimmer helps Swimming Coaches train their wards better. In order for the company to deeply engage with the swimmers, Ecotech developed a cloud-based, AI-enabled web and mobile app to help swimming coaches better engage & understand their trainees through periodic session surveys, and sentiment analysis of the responses.

The end goal was to help coaches understand their wards’ state of mind before and after practice sessions. This was achieved using a Google NLP Powered Sentiment Library and an in-house product developed for thematic visualization of word clusters.

Platform for Yacht Owners, USA

How Ecotech created a Virtual platform for Yacht Owners/members to exchange their yachts and enable them to sail anywhere in the world.

Looking to replicate the success of platforms like Uber and Airbnb in other industries? Our recent collaboration with a client in the yacht chartering sector offers an intriguing case study.

Our client had a vision to establish an exclusive virtual yacht club platform connecting yacht charter owners globally. Their goal was to create a secure space for members to exchange yachts, facilitating sailing opportunities worldwide. They wanted yacht owners in charter management to seamlessly trade their owner time charter weeks with others, free from restrictions on yacht type, charter company, or location. Additionally, they aimed to empower yacht owners to list their vessels on the platform and sell owner weeks to chartering guests, providing easy access to sought-after yachts in prime locations.

Ecotech IT Solutions rose to the challenge, developing a platform with user-friendly interfaces for both external users and yacht owners. Our platform allowed seamless exchange and swapping of yachts, accessible across various devices for a smooth user experience. Leveraging Agile methodologies, we ensured adaptability and flexibility throughout the development process.

Technologies employed included Angular, .NET, WordPress, and SQL Server.

The results spoke volumes: a remarkable 30% increase in website visitors, alongside a notable 15% surge in inquiries from service providers to yacht owners. Most significantly, our collaboration led to a 40% reduction in the total lead time for yacht bookings, streamlining the process and enhancing efficiency across the board.